Quarterly General Membership Meeting March 22, 2021

A meeting of the general membership of the Cincinnati Musicians’ Association was called to order on March 22, 2021 at 7:18 PM.

President Frankenfeld was in chair.

18 members were present.



The meeting began with a rollcall of Officers and Trustees.


The minutes of the November 9, 2020 quarterly general membership meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes was given by Dave Haldeman. Lynne Scott provided the second. The motion was approved.


I. Presidents Report

  1. AFM International Field Representatives are hosting frequent meetings for Local Officers in their respective jurisdictions. The goal is to provide as much assistance as possible during the pandemic and help Locals navigate federal aid where possible. It seems that the AFM is entering a transitional era due to lower income revenue.
  2. Many Locals are rethinking the need for workspace as many are finding that working from home can be productive.
  3. The Taft Art Museum has indicated that it would like to work directly with the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra going against many years of working through the Local. There has been significant personnel change during the pandemic at the Taft and it appears that President Frankenfeld needs to continue to provide history, context, and as much background as possible. The work with the Taft was with good faith and not with a written agreement. President Frankenfeld will propose a written agreement as talks continue. Various members recounted the history of chamber music at the Taft. The Taft Series predates the Linton Series. The Taft is planning to present three concerts this season.


II. Pension Fund Update

  1. The Butch Lewis Act was finally passed as part of the COVID Relief package and the Pension Fund has withdrawn its application to implement reductions in payouts. The Butch Lewis Act provides assistance but is not a bailout. The future of the fund is still unknown but there is a bit of breathing room.


III. Musicians Performance Trust Fund (MPTF)

  1. The MPTF has done some realignment. Each Local is being sent an allocation making the system as equitable as possible.


IV. Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra

  1. A long awaited side letter has been signed to allow the CCO to operate this season with COVID. The CCO has lost a significant amount of support from the Chavez family due to COVID. The side letter agrees that the Music Director will not take any action against musicians. The letter needs final approval and a truncated season will be able to occur.
  2. Negotiations for the new CBA will commence in April.

V. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

  1. Compared to other institutions the CSO has been fortunate to continue working during COVID. There was a pay cut of 10% across the organization. Making the transition to digital performances was a steep learning curve but will be beneficial in the end.

VI. Open Floor

  1. Dave Haldeman suggested that a QR code be added to the meeting announcement card in place of the Zoom link. Secretary Dunevant said this could be done easily and provided electronically to the printer.
  2. Marie Speziale reported that Betty Glover recently had her 98th Marie stays in regular contact with Betty. Betty’s hearing and vision are diminished although a lower pitched voice is easier to hear. Marie sends Betty weekly letters. It was asked if the Local could do something to recognize Betty’s long-term membership

The meeting adjourned at 8:41 PM. Virtual social time followed the business meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Dunevant


Local #1 AFM