Quarterly Membership Meeting/June 22, 2015

The quarterly meeting of the general membership of the Cincinnati Musicians’ Association was called to order on June 22, 2015 at 7:12PM.

12 members were present.

The minutes of the March 30,2015 quarterly meeting were approved as read. M/S was Hurd/D. Dunevant


I. President’s Report

  • President Frankenfeld reported that the contract negotiations for the CSO were successful. He outlined the 5-year contract providing 1.5% increases each year over the five years. Current season members received $10,000 for their 401(b).

II. Music Hall Renovation

  • President Frankenfeld reported that there had been a meeting with Akoustiks, with all of the players. The proposal seemed drastic and that architecture was being put before acoustical considerations. His concern is that the process is moving too quickly. The $25 million tax credit had been pulled but was re-instated. There were a series of acoustical tests, all of which had negative effects.
  • James Lambert, CSO musician on the Committee for Restoration was present and provided the following information
  1. First, and foremost, the strategy is to “do no harm”.
  2. The acoustical tests were likened to a photo shoot. The acousticians got to hear the hall 6 different ways. Most people seemed to like the sound when the cloud was raised a little bit.
  3. The next meeting is scheduled for June 23 and he would find out more information.
  4. His impression is that the appearance of the hall would not be changed. There was concern that it would be gutted but that is not the case. They have to pay attention to the historical requirements.
  5. The company does not want to touch the physical cosmetic appointments. He provided an example using the walls. Currently they are plain but they may become articulated (not flat) which would create texture to the walls. Everyone involved so far likes the acoustical footprint of the hall but the task will be to get the sound dispersed equally throughout the interior. Currently the orchestra has to exaggerate some things in order to be heard (articulations, etc.).
  6. The acousticians said that it was their hope that when everything is done people will come in and ask, “What did you do”?


  • President Frankenfeld voiced his relief that drastic measures would not be taken and asked about the timetable. Jim Lambert replied that the acousticians said the time frame was short but they think it can happen. He continued that the concern is for the musicians to take the process seriously to reduce the number of rumors. He is encouraging musicians to voice their concerns.
  • Pat Nott, member, commented that the CSO as an organization should be sharing information with the public because rumors are possibly a result of the plans that were released 3+ years ago. She also asked about plans for the Ball Room. Jim replied with regard to the old plans that things have progressed to plan B or C at this point but that he would share her thought with the committee. As far as the Ball Room is concerned that is outside his purview. He is only involved with Springer Auditorium. In summary he stated that he feels concerns are being heard.



I. Web Sites/Barb Lambert

  • Vice President Barb Lambert asked those present who had their own website and who was interested in having their own website. She was prepared to make a presentation on the ease of creating your own website. If any members are interested they are encouraged to contact her for more information.

II. Bravo Music/Don Hurd

  • Trustee Don Hurd, also a member of the Bravo Board, gave those present a brief update on what Bravo is working towards.
  • Bravo is interested in building up their educational outreach. They are looking to provide opportunities for members of the Local to fund performances.
  • There were several questions from those present about the funding. Don answered as fully as possible but reminded everyone that they are still in the fledgling stages.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21PM and was followed by refreshments.