Board Meeting January 25, 2021

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors’ of the Cincinnati Musicians’ Association was called to order on January 25, 2021 at 12:10 PM.

Rebecca Andres was absent.

Guest:  Wes Woolard, Chair of the Players Committee for the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra.

President Frankenfeld in chair.


The minutes of the December 21, 2020 meeting were approved with a correction in section IV. Misc. b. President Frankenfeld is looking at those who are retiring and there is no budget to hold auditions. There is also the need for a two-month lead-time for advertising. It was agreed in the contract extension that there would not be any auditions. M/S Lambert/Lee.

The minutes of the January 11, 2021 meeting were approved. M/S Hurd/Lambert.





I. Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra

  • Wes Woolard provided the Trustees with an update on the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra side letter for the 2020-2021 season.
  • Changes to Summermusik due to COVID-19 include two (2) mainstage concerts at Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park and various chamber crawls around the region.
  • There should be thirty-three players but retirement and COVID have caused five (5) vacancies. These include second oboe, three string positions, and a percussion position.
  • There remain a number of unknowns to work out.
  • Rehearsals will take place at the Aronoff Center in the Black Box Theater.
  • There is a positive feeling but the main concern is the service count.
  • There was a question for Wes. 1) How are musician surveys going? A: Seventeen out of twenty-eight were returned and responses will be sent to President Frankenfeld.
  • President Frankenfeld will reach out to the CCO Executive Director to ask about budget and repertoire.


II. Northside Bank Account

  • The account is closed and the balance will be deposited into the General Account.


III. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

  • Mary Judge, CSO Principal Librarian has announced her retirement at the end of this season. This is a high visibility position and processes vary around the country. This is an opportunity to work toward making the position part of the CBA.
  • Wayne Anderson will officially retire on February 1, 2021. A special Zoom celebration is being planned.

IV. Cincinnati Ballet

  • President Frankenfeld gave a summary of the Nutcracker performances. The music sounded good taking into consideration the particular arrangement used.
  • Three-minute clips may be used for promotional opportunities



I. Membership Dues

  • Based on general discussion it was decided to extend the $4 discount through the first quarter for members paying a year in-full.

II. AFM Pension Update

  • The Butch Lewis Act may find new life in Congress. President Frankenfeld urged everyone to write Representatives.
  • Don Hurd asked if the Opera would be at the Cincinnati Zoo this summer. The answer is yes, most likely a stage constructed in a parking lot.
  • Don Hurd asked what might happen with the Board of Bravo Music with the retirement of Mary Judge. Nothing has been decided at this point.
  • A general question was raised about how much of our annual dues go to AFM National Office. Per capita is $12 for Honorary members and $14.50 for regular members.

THE FOLLOWING VOUCHERS WERE ORDERED PAID: The motion to approve was made by Lynne Scott and the second was provided by Barb Lambert. The motion was approved.


See attached B 27366 – 27395

Next meeting scheduled for Monday, February 8 at 12:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 1:08 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Dunevant

Secretary, Local #1