Quarterly General Membership Meeting/July 25, 2016

The quarterly meeting of the general membership of the Cincinnati Musicians’ Association was called to order on July 25, 2016 at 7:13PM.

10 members were present.

The minutes of the April 20,2016 quarterly meeting were approved as corrected. There will be a presidential election this year pitting Ray Hair against Sam Folio was corrected to read: The elections of the IEB will have Jay Blumenthal running against Sam Folio. M/S was Jeff Gaunce /Joe Gaudio


I. Regional Convention/Conference

• President Frankenfeld and Vice President Lambert reported on the Regional Conference. The MAC was consolidated into a larger region and the convention was held in Des Moines IA. The event was seemingly disorganized. The MAC voiced concerns about the consolidation and has indicated that it wished to remain its own entity.

• At the 100th AFM Convention in Las Vegas the Regional Conferences got together again prior to the opening of the convention. Discussion ideas were to have the newly consolidated regions meet together one year, meet separately the next, and on the third year come together at the International Convention. At this time there are no By-Laws or rules for the consolidated regions. Communication has been very poor between the regions. It was also pointed out that what happens at Regional Conventions varies greatly between Regions. The IEB has received the proposal.

• Vice President Lambert gave a Memorial to Gene at the Regional Meeting.

II. 100th AFM International Convention

• President Frankenfeld summarized the events of the 100th AFM International Convention.

1. The results of the elections for the IEB had Jay Blumenthal replacing Sam Folio as Secretary. President Frankenfeld briefly explained how the politics of the IEB tend to play out.

2. The AFM is in the black and appears to be moving forward. There are still plans to purchase a building in New York City and President Frankenfeld voiced his concerns about such a purchase.

3. There were 22 resolutions and recommendations brought to the convention. The one creating the most discussion was the request that subs and extras get benefits and participate in CBA discussion. A recommendation that would suspend Local and National dues for a year to see if it would encourage membership growth was sent back to the IEB. No increase is planned in per capita dues.

4. Ray Hair memorialized Gene Frey at the Memorial Service.

5. Complete results of the voting for the 22 resolutions and recommendation will be found in the IM.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:53PM and was followed by refreshments.